Despite this was my first on-line order and I hesitated for a long time before to pay by credit card through the site and get fake product in return, I took a risk and got what I wanted. It goes without saying that the product was genuine and arrived when I expected, they also kept me informed about the status of my order. I called them when I had doubts or questions and they did not left any of them unanswered.
Mike, Chicago
I prefer to call when I have questions but to use online chat is also helpful. I have already purchased goods on-line from other companies but was scared to buy drugs. Who knows what they can put in the parcel? When my package arrived I could not understand what it was as it looked as a usual registered letter. When I opened it I was pleasantly surprised to see the products looking exactly the same as pictures at the website.
Stephen Smith
When I placed an order for my granddad I gave his address and my phone and it took a bit longer to deliver the products because they phoned me and my granddaddy to check everything and I was nervous because of it. I understand that they work like this as it helps to avoid credit card fraud. I will order from them again because they are honest.
I prefer herbal products as they are safer. These Indian ones are great. My friends were curious what happened that I lost some weight and look joyful. When I revealed my secret they also decided to use Acai berry.
Charles from Paris
Dudes, this service is good! It is my third order. This time it is Smok-ox and I have almost quit smoking. I know how they order system works and when my package is a bit late I do not worry because I know that it will arrive no matter what.
Isabella from Rome
I want to recommend Ayurslim to everybody. I have fought with my extra weight for years using different waist trimmers and belts but with these caps I understood that what I need is just to eat less. I almost do not feel hunger and put off weight natural way. I want get rid of 2 pounds and plan to buy on line again soon.
Peter Hans
I am satisfied with quality of products and service. On line chat was helpful when I had questions. My order arrived in a matter of days exactly the same as I saw at the site. No blames.
Brandon Van Belle from Belgium
I could not solve my problem with declined transaction via live chat so I had to call them cause I wanted to hear human voice and talk with somebody more competent. Everything was ok with my credit card but transaction was declined. I could settle this and got recommendations of how to act.
Michael Been from London
The prices are amazingly low. If you do not want to be ripped off buy only here. I placed two orders and received both on time as promised.
Roberto Revillon
Many thanks to the company, I appreciate very much your very qualified and comprehensive support. When I was curious about status of my order I was informed about process of shipment.
Eric Anderson
First skeptical about this site which I've never bought from I called their customer support and learned all details of placing an order and delivery process. The price was reasonable so I decided to give it a chance. I received my packaged well wrapped and neat in ten days. It is faster than I expected. One more reason to be satisfied with it.
Sidney from Churchill
The prices are amazingly low. If you do not want to be ripped off buy only here. I placed two orders and received both on time as promised.
Phill Guess
Guys, you should be very attentive filling up the payment form. My order was blocked because I wanted the drugs to be delivered to my friend while I paid by my credit card and addresses did not coincide. I had phone two times to resolve this with customer support. I thought that in civilized countries that could be solved by one call!
Sacha from France
Why I must buy expensive pills while I can get generics on line with delivery to my place and for considerably lower price. I am ready to accept the situation that customer support sometimes can be dull when I want to trace my order.